**welcome to my kitchen**

I hope to inspire you to eat more live vibrant food so you can be in total control of your health living your purpose fully!

Food has always been a source of joy, creativity, and connection in my life. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved cooking for myself, my family, and my friends. As a professionally certified plant-based chef, I poured my heart into every recipe I created, spending years developing, redesigning, photographing, and sharing them here on this site.

But as my path deepened, so did my relationship with food. My yoga practice awakened a profound realization: food is more than just taste and satisfaction — it is life force and energy. This shift led me to make a significant change. I transitioned from a vegan cooked-food lifestyle to a primarily fruit-based diet. The decision to exclude cooked foods (and some others) came from a deeper understanding of health and vitality based on my own experience.

At first, I wondered what to do with this vast collection of recipes I created over the years. When I shared my thoughts with my daughter and close friends, their advice was — to leave these recipes as a reflection of my healing journey. And I realized they were right. Every dish I created was part of the process that brought me to where I am today.

I invite you to explore, try out some of these recipes, and see how they feel in your body. Each one is a part of my story — a step on the path to vibrant health. If you do try them, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment and share your experience. Here’s to nourishment, evolution, and the power of conscious choices.


With Love and Light, Anastasiya