Kale Salad
Here’s my family favorite Kale Salad recipe. Try to find deeper colored variety like Tuscan or Russian kale, it has more complex flavor.
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup mix of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar
2,3 garlic cloves
2 tablespoon of raw organic almond butter( can use sunflower or pumpkin seed butter instead)
2-3 tablespoon of maple syrup or to taste
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
pinch of red pepper flakes
2 bunches of kale
toasted nuts ( walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios)
1. Prepare the kale by washing it and drying it with paper towel.
Remove stems( use them for juicing), slice leaves in to 1/4-inch shreds.
2. In a food proccesor combine all the dressing ingredients:
olive oil, mix of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, almond butter, garlic, maple syrup, salt, pepper flakes. Process until creamy consistency is achieved.
3. In a big salat bowl combine kale with dressing, massage with your hands well until all kale is coated, about 3 min.
4. Serve with toasted nuts.
For extra flavor add some Smoked Paprika.