
Giving is the highest of all actions in the world. Love means giving.

When we practice giving with compassion, and continue to give, our life overflows with happiness and well-being. 

In order to cultivate generosity we need to overcome the fear of letting go, even of a small portion, and not having enough for ourselves. We just need to remember that nothing in this life belongs to us. We came to this planet for  a brief moment. In order for us to be here we were given so many gifts: The sun, the moon and the stars, soil, and water,  plants, animals, the whole universe! 

Our life is one big gift, given by countless beings.

When we truly see this, gratitude naturally arises, as does the question, “What can I do for this planet and for many beings who are giving to me?”

We can practice giving in so many ways; The gift of listening, the gift of service, the gift of love, the gift of creation, attention, and effort. To write a book or to create an art is to practice giving, as is cooking a meal, cleaning a room, work in the garden, building a house, planting a tree. The gift of birth and our death are acts of giving.

The spiritual benefit we gain when we  practice generosity cannot be calculated. 

Nothing is more heart-filling than giving, sharing, and caring for others.  Through generosity, we let go of self-centeredness and our mind/hearts open into loving-kindness, compassion, and tenderness.

 The truth is while giving,  we become richer all the time, richer in terms of happiness and well-being.

I am inviting you to practice at least one way of giving today. The gifts can be as simple as to listen to someone, or cook for your family,  make a donation to a tree restoration, or to save endangered animals. We have plenty of gifts to offer! As you give, let go, do not have expectations to get something back. This is an art of giving, and a way to freedom.

May your life be filled with love, light and happiness!

ways to give

I personally support these purposeful organizations. Check them out and donate if you can.